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This piece, “Becky Does Shit,” is an essay I wrote for my Immersion Journalism class. This was the second essay in the class, and we were to immerse ourselves in another world or person, and use that to pose or attempt to answer a question. I followed a waste-free student on campus to try to better explore waste as a concept and the human desire to change. The environment is one of my greatest passions and I loved being able to delve into this essay and try to learn more about my own desire to change. Practice what you Preach. Maybe easier said that done. 

Also from my immersion journalism class, this piece was my last essay of the semester. This assignment for this essay was to write a travel essay. As many students went home for Thanksgiving, this essay fell just in time to travel, but I stayed at school and decided to take a slightly different approach. I didn’t have to travel far to get to the Kelsey Museum of Archeology on State Street. In this essay, I travel through the museum and take a deep look at each exhibit and artifact, exploring the relationship between my desire to be an actress and my fear of being forgotten.  

I wrote “What They Don’t Tell You About Going Home” as a sophomore in college in English 325. This essay holds a particularly dear place in my heart because it was my first real go at creative non-fiction, and much more interesting than a college essay. This essay fueled my passion for writing again, and encouraged me to go on to apply to the writing minor. I wrote this piece on the experiences I was going through with growing up and feeling like I was in the limbo of where to belong. ​

During the Capstone course, we were asked to create two annotated bibliographies for major projects. Here is the annotated bibliography for my Evolution Essay, where you will find many of the works that led me to understand my evolution as a writer in college, and reflect on how far I have come. ​



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