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“If I’m honest I have to tell you I still read fairy-tales and I like them best of all.” – Audrey Hepburn


My name is Rebecca Gordon, and I am a professional dreamer. 

My mom told me that I "came out an artist." She would say that ever since I could use my hands I held my pencil like an adult. She also described it as "freaky." I would spend most of my childhood days playing imaginary games with myself, forcing my friends to act in my skits and scribbling pages and pages of stories on loose leaf paper and old notebooks. 


As a young adult, I decided to chase my dreams and spend my college career pursuing a BFA degree in acting. Trying very hard to balance out this creative discipline, I thought of every minor possible other than writing. I even tried to take a math class. Disclaimer: that didn't go over well. Though English was always my favorite academic subject, I attempted to push it away because I thought it wouldn’t balance my degree and would leave me jobless. Then I realized I am majoring in acting, so I really had nothing to loose. Kidding, kidding (but am I?). So I threw my worries to the wind and got a writing minor and I haven’t looked back.


I am proud to say that as an adult, I still play. I sing and dance and act and skip almost every day in class, and in my minor classes I convert my thoughts to paper, scribbling down my dreams and hoping something sticks. I can’t not be who I am. I’ve tried. So now that I’ve committed, I am going to throw the glitter in the air and shoot for the moon.  






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